
New Android OS 10 Makes it Harder for Parents to Hide Parental Monitoring Applications

With Androids latest release of the OS 10, hiding app icons may be a thing of the past. Released in late 2019, Android 10 has said goodbye to its signature desserts as well as the ability to hide application icons.

While Apple users never enjoyed the benefits of having complete control over their iPhones display, Android users have always enjoyed the sense of freedom that comes with being able to use 3rd party applications and the ability to control how and if they will be displayed at all.

Android’s base has always enjoyed the use of the Unlocker application, which kept private apps just that – private. Now however, there is no simple way to hide an app icon without fully rooting the Android smartphone.

This puts a lot of pressure on several parental monitoring application developers such as RemoteKeyloggers; who build applications specifically for parents to monitor their child’s online behavior. It also affects users who run applications they may not want their friends and family to know about.

Applications such as Whisper, or even confessions on Reddit or dating applications such as Tinder are all apps a person may wish to not have appear on their Androids home screen. Keyloggers are no exception as legal guardians wouldn’t want these types of monitoring applications to be seen.

There seem to be a few workarounds as demonstrated by one user on Wikihow. However this solution involved visiting the Android’s Application Manager and simply disabling the app that is to be hidden. While this may work well in a bind, it would also disable incoming notifications, not to mention forcing the smartphone user to be forced to login each time. Far from a practical solution.

Whether or not Google’s Android will incorporate this austerity into the upcoming release of Android 12 scheduled for release on May 10th. remains to be seen and how users as well as Android developers continue to find workarounds as well.

Other updates to be included in the Android 11 release will include an updated notification tab. This tab will allow for the participating of multiple conversations in separated tabs, creating a seamless experience without having to close and open a single chat box.

The pasting of images into a chat is another long overdue addition. No longer will users need to save an image and be forced to navigate to the image in order to send it. This is a real time-saver for anyone who has ever just given up and used a desktop to avoid the whole process.

Android 11 will also support Bubbles. A real space saver on your screen you’ll no longer be faced with multiple bubble notifications from multiple messengers. All your bubbles whether from Facebook, Snapchat or WhatsApp will be in a single bubble, and you will be able to determine the source of the message by a small icon within the bubble.

Greater security regarding location tracking is also part of Android’s new OS. Instead of giving applications permission to track the Android, permissions will be granted on a case-by-case basis as determined by the user.

The only applications that will have the capacity to track the Android carte blanche are those approved by Google themselves. How this will affect parental monitoring developers remains to be seen as GPS tracking has always been a key feature of keylogging applications.

These are just some of the features believed to be packaged in the newest Android release. To learn more about parental monitoring applications and employee productivity software; be sure to visit and take a look at the Android’s OS road map.

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