Nowadays many students prefer to study online because there are many advantages of studying online. For example, a student can cross borders and learn Quran from home without having to travel to places where Quran lessons are offered. In addition, the student is taught by qualified Quranic teachers who have graduated from the respective universities. The student can also choose the time he wants according to his schedule. In addition, Online Quranic Arabic course offer the option of female students being taught by female teachers and male students being taught by men.
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Why to learn Quranic Arabic Online
Several verses of the Holy Quran and hadiths of Prophet Peace Be upon Him emphasize the importance of learning and understanding the Quran. Nothing can erase the meaning of a Quranic statement, regardless of the translated language in which you read it. But the wonderful benefits of the Holy Quran can only be achieved by reading it in Arabic. If you don’t know how to recite Quran in Arabic then believe me, you don’t know how to recite the Quran. That’s why you need to learn Quranic Arabic to understand sudden changes of style, short verses with strong meaning, rhyming words – this is something you have to experience yourself.
Online Quranic Arabic Course
An online Quranic Arabic course is a great option for English-speaking Muslims. Everything is in the same direction. This course will improve the ability to speak Arabic, facilitate the translation of the Quran, improve understanding of the Tafseer of the Quran, and improve tajweed, recitation, and memorization of the Quran.
Goals of Online Quranic Arabic Course
The online Quranic Arabic course is meticulously crafted to cater to the diverse learning needs of students across all proficiency levels and provide them with an enjoyable and engaging environment to learn Quranic Arabic online for beginners.
Quranic Arabic is crucial in understanding the Quran. This allows students to reflect on the depths of the Arabic language while learning the words of the Quran. In this course, we use various strategies and methods to teach students the Arabic alphabet, vocabulary, grammar, recitation of the Qur’an, interpretation of the Quran, and the reasons for revelation with the best experts in Arabic and Islamic language.
Features of Quranic Arabic classess
There are several features of the Quranic Arabic classes. Few of them are mentioned below
Course teachers
The online Quranic Arabic course teachers have good qualifications and graduated from recognized Islamic universities. They have honed their skills with years of experience in the field. These Arabic teachers speak English very well and lead the courses very professionally. They have learned from various scholars and have deep knowledge in the field. They pass a number of well-designed tests. So they get the teaching post after going through several rounds of evaluation.
Personalized curriculum
One of the main things that Online Quranic Arabic Lessons sets it apart is that it does everything it can to make online learning easier for you and your entire family or friends, giving you the ability to create your own schedule and change available classes at any time of the day. what works best for you based on the individual needs of the students.
Course prerequisite
Anyone can participate in the course, no previous knowledge is necessary. Even people who already have knowledge about this field can take this course and look at all these things in an interesting and innovative way.
What you learn from Online Quranic Arabic Lessons
The online Quranic Arabic course has various topics organized together to make the content easy to understand. Here we will demonstrate that what a student basically learns from Online Quranic Arabic Lessons
- The student learns root letters that connect words with different meanings.
- The student learns grammar rules including tenses, pronouns, prepositions, verbs, nouns and more.
- The student improve their vocabulary with frequently used prepositions, which make up 45% of the Qur’an.
- The student learns how to Combine the general Arabic language with the Quranic version and its use.
- The student get to know the reason and time of revelation of surahs, their topics, main topics and summaries.
- In addition to all this the student can learn Quranic Tafseer if they understand Arabic easily.
- Learn the meaning of the names of Allah, His attributes, prayer, stories of the Prophets, stories of the Companions and more.
- Learn about the linguistic and scientific wonder of Quranic Arabic.
Levels of the onlline Quranic Arabic course
Online Quranic Arabic course is divided into different levels for the ease of understanding. It is divided into three levels. Each level of the Quranic Arabic course is divided into units and chapters to make the level very easy and clear for a non-Arabic beginner. The focus is on learning to read, write and understand the Qur’an in Arabic. The detail of each level is given below.
Level 1: Quranic words and basic grammar
In the first level, student will learn to use an Arabic dictionary for Quranic terms. The origin of 5 words and their different formations are discussed. In the grammar section, Level 1 students learn nouns, verbs and letters that change according to the situation.
Level 2: Intermediate Quranic Vocabulary and Grammar
Working up to the next level, student learn to make 10 words from the same root words to find all the examples in the Quran. Grammar rules also increase at this level. In this course, the names of colors, days, animals and other important things will be completed.
Level 3: Advanced Qur’anic Arabic Grammar and Vocabulary
In this advanced level student will learn how to make 15 Quranic words from Arabic with one basic word. Grammar rules increase and become a bit stricter at this level. All previous concepts and rules will be reviewed and student will learn new things.
Learning quranic Arabic is necessary in order to understand the given message of Allah in the Holy Quran. Without understanding the meanings of Quranic verses we cannot lead our lives successfully. It is the right of the Holy book of Quran on Muslims to understand it and learn its meaning carefully.