Table of Contents
- Are you a corporate professional dealing with unhealthy mental health issues for the past few months?
- Do you know how you can take expert and confidential help for the same to help you recover from the root cause of the issue?
- Have you failed at talking to your superiors and family members because of the fear of getting ridiculed and judged?
In the past few years, the increasing stresses of urban professional life have made mental health issues an unfortunate reality. Being highly competitive, sacrificing physical health, working long hours, and unhealthy eating habits can lead to poor mental health.
Issues like anxiety, depression, and stress are being reported from millennials working in the corporate sector all over the world. All this invariably ends up taking a toll on one’s mental health and leads to breakdowns and burnouts.
Depression in Working Professionals: Causes for the same
Twelve to fourteen hours of work a day, no weekends or holidays off, and staying away from family and friends can lead to poor mental health. Most working professionals would agree on how they are slogging eighty to a hundred hours per week in front of their computer screens.
Most would also attest to the fact that they are living off fast food and packaged food as they do not have the time to eat real food. Working professionals in Japan do not even have time to date as they fear they would not be able to dedicate sufficient time to their partners.
All the above-stated issues are invariably leading to complex mental health issues in working professionals. The increased levels of isolation being promoted by social media, streaming platforms, and 24×7 internet reduced real human interaction and dependence.
Why do most Working Professionals shy away from Mental health Issues?
When you are young, qualified and on the upwards path to career success, you do not want to be identified. There is a misconception that acknowledging mental health issues automatically classifies someone as being unfit and weak.
Many professionals who go for family therapy and counselling services in Singapore point out that saying you are depressed is hard. It can not only lead to ridicule but can also cost you your job. Recognizing the same within the family can subject you to unpleasant taunts and project a weak image.
This is a serious problem in society. Counselors and medical health professionals suggest that mental illness is comparable to any other health issue like a fever or a stomach infection. Just as there is no stigma attached to seeing a doctor when you have a fever or gastric issues, so to should mental health issues be addressed.
It is true that some organizations are taking proactive positive steps towards addressing the issue. However, when it comes to mainstream acceptance, we are still light-years away.
Why Acknowledgment is the First Step to Recovery?
According to leading mental health experts and counselors, professionals should make an effort to understand their issues. Burying yourself deep into work after a failed break-up should not be the strategy you should look to follow.
You need to understand your emotions, gather yourself, give time for the feeling to sink in, and then proceed with your life. Likewise turning to alcohol to deal with work pressure will not only lead to bad physical health but also drain you mentally.
There are many therapists and counselors who are offering disciplined confidential services to working professionals. There is also a level of anonymity if you so request the same. This means that if you have issues and are unable to deal with them on your own, you should seek a discreet professional engagement with a reputed and credible therapist.
The Final Word
Mental health issues among corporate working professionals are more common than you might think. By recognizing and acknowledging that a problem does exist, corporates can get it treated professionally through an expert. Has your company made any attempts to create a positive mental health environment at your office? Let us know in the comments section below.