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Reasons You Might Sue Your Employer

Everyone needs a source of income and most people work for a company or individual. It’s a good system that has worked for a long time. As an employee, you are entitled to more than just your paycheck and benefits. Workers have rights under the law and if these rights are violated by the employer, they can file a lawsuit for damage compensation. Poor treatment by your employer are co-workers should never be tolerated. There are several reasons you might sue your employer.


One of the most common reasons workers hire an employment lawyer and sue their bosses is discrimination. This mistreatment can come in many forms. An employee may not get a promotion that someone less qualified gets, be denied a raise, or just be treated poorly based on gender, race, sexual orientation, or just a general dislike. Being treated differently by fellow workers is also discrimination and something managers should take care of upon discovery. Failure to do so constitutes discrimination. The law protects employees from discrimination and if you are a victim of it, you should absolutely file a suit.


People have a right to a safe and non-hostile workplace. Harassment of any kind is illegal and should never be tolerated. Whether it comes from a manager or supervisor or another employee and management does nothing to stop it when a complaint is filed, hire a​ harassment attorney and sue for damages. Sexual harassment in particular is all too common and justice should always be sought. It is especially heinous and usually directed at women but male employees are also sometimes sexually harassed in violation of the law. 

Lack of Communication

If an employee is not doing their job well or not meeting expectations, management has an obligation to communicate that to the worker and take steps to help them improve. If you have been fired or denied a raise or promotion for poor performance and were never notified there was a problem, you can sue your employee for damages. Communication also includes letting you know when you are doing a good job, whether or not you are rewarded for it. 

Likewise, managers and supervisors should always be willing and able to listen to an employee’s complaint and take steps to help out. Feeling unheard can create a hostile work environment. Even if an employee just needs to vent about something, a good employee will take the time to listen. Ignoring workers and their problems is wrong. 

Giving Bad References Unfairly

Every employee has the right to seek a new job for any reason. Prospective employers ask for references and if a worker’s current manager or supervisor unfairly provides negative comments in a reference to prevent the employee from leaving, that is illegal. These kinds of unfair references can include comments about an employee’s personality, habits, or appearance as well as their job performance. Many employees just let things go in this situation, feeling that since they are leaving anyway, it doesn’t matter. It does matter. Inaccurate bad references can prevent you from getting a new job and cause your new employer to have a poor first impression. This is damaging to your reputation and future. You can and should file a suit and be compensated as this can harm your career progression and potential earnings. 

Labor laws are put in place to protect workers from unfair treatment by managers, supervisors, and fellow employees. If your legal rights as a worker are violated in any way, you do not have to stand for it. Hire a good employment lawyer and file a suit to be compensated for your damages.