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Revolutionary Technology Trends in 2022

Despite having a lot of drawbacks, one sector in which the pandemic really advanced us is the way we use technology for our benefits. Classroom and office meetings over a Zoom call? Did you even think about it before the pandemic? Unreal things have happened. Things have been at the high end if you are a bettor as well. The online betting industry has grown in insane amounts. You have apps like 1xbet app that allows you to do sports betting sitting from the confines of your homes. However there is more to it. Let us take a look at something extraordinary that 2022 has in store for us.

5G Technology

Even a couple of years ago, 4G was a great deal but things have been quite on the rise since then. The use of 3G is nearly becoming extinct. However, 5G does more than help with fast browsing of the internet, stream with Youtube or Spotify better or utilize other data driven services. It is going to change the way we live. So, 5G is going to allow advanced technologies like AR and VR. It will also support gaming services like Google Stadia and others that are services based on cloud computing. It is very suited for usage in factories, HD cameras to improve safety, traffic management and even for a smart retail experience.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

While seeing the benefits of using 5G technology we saw that it is capable of supporting VR or Virtual Reality and AR or Augmented Reality. Now let us see what exactly they are. VR, AR and ER or Extended Reality are some of the best running technology trends this year. VR helps the user to get immersed in an environment. On the other hand, AR improvises that environment. It is a technology that was primarily used for gaming. However, it also finds usage in training. VirtualShip, a simulation software to train the US Navy, Army and Coast Guard ship captains, uses it.

2022 bears the promise of integrating these into our lives more and more. Both AR and VR shows enormous potential to be utilized in training, marketing, education, the entertainment industry and even for rehabilitating after any injury. They can be used effectively to teach doctors how to do a surgery. On the other hand, they can help people who visit the museum to have a more meaningful experience or a theme park. Moreover, as with Pepsi Max bus shelter, they can also revolutionize marketing.

In 2019, 14 million AR and VR devices were sold. By 2022, the AR and Vr market is supposed to reach a net worth of $209.2 billion globally. They would create more and more space for emerging technology and welcome professionals that are ready to be challenged in this game-changing field. Basic programming skills, a knowledge of optics and a sharp mind-set can take you a long way in this field if you are interested in investing yourself in this industry.