
Securing Your Business with Advanced Access Control Solutions

Research shows that break-ins, theft, vandalism, and other physical security threats are on the rise, and they have been for quite some time. Many people say it’s a sign of the times. More people are experiencing financial hardships, and they’re resorting to theft to resolve them. On the other hand, some wrongdoers are simply taking their anger and frustration out on businesses instead of finding more constructive ways to deal with them. 

Regardless of the reasons for the ongoing uptick in crime rates, they’re causing numerous problems for today’s businesses. That means they need to take extra measures to protect themselves. Quite a few physical security solutions are available at this point, and the latest options can give businesses the added security they’re looking for. 


One of the latest advancements in physical security is access control as a service. This is a cloud-based security model in which access control is provided and managed by an outside source. It’s bringing several positive changes to the way businesses handle their security. It’s customizable and scalable, and it can be integrated with other software solutions as well as physical security measures. It gives businesses the added advantage of automatic updates and maintenance too. ACaaS can be a more cost-effective alternative to certain other security solutions. 

Biometric Authentication

Not very long ago, biometric authentication was little more than an element of science fiction. Today, though, it’s a reality, and it’s growing increasingly common. Some of the more widespread forms of biometric authentication are fingerprint recognition, retina scans, iris scans, and facial recognition. Behavioral biometrics have also come into play. Systems that use this type of technology can identify people based on the way they walk or type or how they respond to specific stimuli. Biometric authentication is a highly effective way to prevent unauthorized access, and these systems are extremely difficult to hack or trick. 

Mobile Access Control

Another recent development in business security is mobile access control. With this solution, employees can use their phones or wearable devices to enter businesses and different areas within them. It can be used to control access to equipment and computer systems as well. This type of access control uses apps or near-field communication to determine who is allowed to enter and who isn’t. It’s a versatile solution, and it’s considered highly user friendly. 

Touchless Access

Touchless access is also becoming more widespread. Many people blame the pandemic for the rise of touchless technology, but it’s not actually new. Developers have been improving upon it for quite some time. Facial recognition, long-range RFID, motion sensors, and many other solutions are available in this category. They’re supporting access control measures and helping businesses bolster their security. Besides that, they give some people greater peace of mind from the perspective of germ exposure.

Taking Security and Access Control Into the Future

Security risks have been on the rise for quite some time now, and they’re not likely to head in the opposite direction any time soon. Fortunately, security measures are also becoming more complex and effective. They’re rising to the challenges wrongdoers are creating, and they’re giving businesses more protection than ever before. Cloud-based access control systems are among the most popular, effective, and versatile at this point, and they can integrate with other advanced security measures to create a well-rounded system of protection. 

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