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SEO-Boosting Tips for Acquiring Quality Backlinks

High quality backlinks, or links that connect one website to another can affect your SEO and are thus considered essential for more traffic and exposure.

The greater your backlinks, the better it is for your SEO. Aside from getting Jasa backlink, here are four tips you should try today:

Audits and Off-Page SEO

A lot of emphasis are placed on on-page SEO, but optimizing your off-page SEO rounds out your strategy. Fix your titles, photo captions and make it easier for search engines like Google to index your website and its pages.

Backlink audits is a process where you find out the backlinks of your competitors. Once you have a list, send a pitch and these websites will be likely to help.

Directory Sites

Directory sites are like online Yellow Pages in that they categorize your submissions to its corresponding industry or niche. Here, you can add your links for free or a small fee and get visits from people who may be looking for you in these platforms.


Content is king when it comes to SEO, but not all content are good for link building. Start by updating and posting evergreen content, or articles that are always useful regardless of time.

Add infographics when necessary and make the content more engaging and helpful to users. It should focus on pain points and things you can do to solve that. A well-written article should generate backlinks from authoritative websites in a short span of time.

Pitch to Other Blogs and Trade Publications

Link building is more than just emailing publications and companies and asking if they could share a link. You should do your homework and come up with a pitch for a guest post or featured article.

Your pitch should include what new content you have to offer and how you can address the site visitors’ pain points. Send it via email and call a few days later to check the status.