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Step-by-step guide to help you start investing in mutual funds

Want to learn how to invest in mutual funds? It is definitely not rocket science that you should be worried about! Yes, you may have heard of people investing in successful funds in the market like the Mirae asset large cap fund or other such funds across categories and wanted to do it yourself too. Well it is possible with a little strategy and effort on your part. There are some steps that you will have to follow in this regard.

How to invest in mutual funds in India- Things that you should know

Now, you may be wondering how to begin investing in mutual fundsin the country. You can start off by getting the Know Your Customer (KYC) formalities completed at your end. Once KYC is done, you can then start investing in mutual funds as per the guidelines of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). If you are a completely new investor in the market, you will have to implement KYC formalities via the intermediary which is registered with SEBI. This could be a mutual fund company/house/firm, an online platform or even a distributor. The process is also done through KRAs or KYC registration agencies.

It is a one-time affair that is compulsory to prevent any chances of fraud as per SEBI. If you are operating offline instead of going to any online mutual fund investment platform, then you can simply fill up the form after downloading the same from the intermediary’s site. Thereafter, attach hard copies (self-attested) of your address and identity proof (check the documents required) and paste your passport-sized photograph onto the form prior to signing the same. Visit the branch of your RTA, fund house or investor service center for the verification procedure (in-person) and show all your original documents for this purpose. The paperless version has you finishing KYC online itself. The E-KYC or online method is either through the website, through an OTP (one-time password) on your phone and biometric system.

You will have to go to the website of the KRA or mutual fund firm for completing the process online and registering with your personal details. You have to upload the scanned and signed images of all necessary documents and get in-person verification done via video calls. You can also sign all documents digitally at your end. In the second method, you can get your PAN/Aadhar-based KYC executed via a mutual fund distributor/advisor that is registered with SEBI. You will receive an OTP on your phone. Enter the same for verification. In the biometric method, investors can complete KYC on their white-listed or registered device that is operated by the intermediary in this case with the help of biometric information.

Major documents that you require

Hold your horses! Before you start checking out suitable funds to invest in you should check out the documents that are needed for the KYC and verification procedure and also while making your investments.

These include the following:

Where you can commence investing

Investing in mutual funds online

Here are the steps that you need to follow: