
Surfing Etiquettes That Every Surfer Should Know

Surfing etiquette is a list of unspoken rules that are often followed by all surfers in the water. These guidelines are essential for every surfer as they will protect them in the water and also ensure a pleasant surfing experience. When surfers do not follow these etiquettes it can lead to injuries, accidents, and even misunderstanding that will ruin your time on the water.

As a beginner, there are several things that you need to know such as learn about the 12 rules of surfing which make you a better surfer. While focusing on improving your skills, you need to keep in mind these surfing etiquettes mentioned below:

Right of Way

When you get to ride your wave and you are with a group of people, the person close to the peak of the wave goes first. So if a person next to you has the right of way you must move out of the wave. However, some waves may even spill so then both persons can surf the wave in different directions.

Don’t Drop-In

Dropping in on another surfer is one of the worst things you can do as it can lead to injuries. No matter how good the wave might be, you need to wait for your turn. By doing so you will respect your fellow surfers and have a pleasant surfing experience.

Don’t Snake

Another disrespectful behavior that is not tolerated by other surfers is snaking. This is where an individual who does not have the right way paddles his way in a big ‘S’ so that he can surf the wave. It is often considered very ill-mannered, offensive and absolutely selfish. So learn to wait your turn and never snake.

Hold on to Your Board

When surfing it is common to be wiped out with a wave every now and then. But it is important that you be aware of your board at all times so that you don’t waste time searching for it. In some cases, an idle board can be dangerous for other surfers as they could collide into them while riding their wave. A leash can be your best friend as it ensures it remains by your side at all times.

Paddle Wide

Paddling is one of the most essential surfing techniques that every type of surfer should master. There are specific places where you need to paddle so that you do not come in the way of another surfer. Make sure that you paddle away from where the wave breaks and paddle wide to avoid any disturbance.


When you are surfing in a crowding surf spot it is important that you communicate with the surfers around. By doing so there is no confusion in knowing who has the right of way and not to drop in on each other. Simple communication will avoid simple confusion and ensure that you have the respect of other surfers around.


If you mess during your surfing session it is absolutely okay, everyone has done it at some point. But make sure that you apologize as it is polite and shows good manners. As a beginner it is important that you surf away from the locals or experienced surfers as they may find it annoying but if you do make sure that you avoid any repetitiveness of breaking any of the above mentioned rules and you will eventually gain their respect.

Have Fun!

Surfing is a complex sport that requires individuals to follow certain rules to surf safely. But that does not mean it’s fun! Initially it may take time getting used to these unspoken laws but as you spend time in the water daily it will become a reflex.

There are several ways you can spend time at the beach whether with family, friends, or even if traveling alone. Apart from surfing you can partake in several water sports activities that you must try out!

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