When you head off to college you will need and want all the homey necessities to make your new space comfortable and feel as close to home as possible. However, in this day and age you will also need the best technology you can get. No matter if you are attending school virtually or in person, there is no doubt that technology will be a daily essential. The good news is that since this need is so common, accessibility is high, and there are options that can suit virtually every budget.
The Basics
At the very least you will need a laptop to be able to make it through your first semester. Many students have moved away from desktop computers since laptop note taking has basically replaced paper and pencil as the style of choice for many students. College also means many assignments that require research, and paper writing. While most universities do have student libraries that provide access to computers, these buildings will also have time limits, and on occasion limited availability, so if you can make it happen, it is best to have your own device.
Laptops will also be a great benefit to your student life outside the classroom. The inclusion of telehealth on most campuses means you can take control of your health from the comfort of your own space. The technology behind this service is highly advanced and the benefits are exceptional. Students have access to hundreds of medical professionals that cover a wide range of specialties. One of the greatest benefits is the time saving and efficiency aspect of this service. Students can find care, book an appointment, and speak with a medical professional in significantly less time than a traditional approach would take.
The Extras
Once you have the basic gadgets in your possession, there are tons of tech forward elements you could add to your arsenal. While many of these items fall into the category of want as opposed to need, many do also offer a functionality that can enhance your day-to-day as a college student. A printer is a great example of something that you could probably get by without, however having access to one for your personal use will certainly be an appreciated convenience. If you are going to be living away from home, you may or may not be able to bring certain items from your house with you to college, like a television for example.
While a television is a staple in most homes, and certainly and comfort, technically, we could all live without one. This is something to think about as you determine what your budget will support as far as luxury tech items as a college student. One huge perk of the communal lifestyle that typically accompanies college is that you have an increased opportunity for sharing. For student that are going to be living away from home and with roommates it is quite common to divide up who will be responsible for bringing which items into the shared living space, under the assumption that everyone will share everything. This arrangement can give you access to more techy gadgets than you would likely have independently.