CUSTOMS CLEARANCE is the administrative process of shipping and or releasing goods to/from ports related to Customs and government administration.
For the service process, it will be made and strengthened by a stamped MOU or DINOTARIZED for the sake of continuing good cooperation between the two parties as well as having the force of the applicable law in Indonesia.
Table of Contents
Few understand how to take out goods for use
Releasing of Imported Goods from the Customs Area, or other places that are treated the same as TPS with the purpose of being imported for use must be notified with the Import Declaration (PIB) which is submitted to the Customs Office. However, exemptions from the provisions are for:
a. Moving goods;
b. Imported goods through courier services;
c. Goods for passengers and crews of transportation means;
d. Goods shipped through PT. (Persero) Pos Indonesia; or
e. Imported goods by border crossers.
Importers are required to make PNBP payments for PIB services through perceptual foreign exchange banks, perception posts, or Customs Offices no later than PIB submission. The provisions regarding tariffs, procedures for imposing, and payment of PNBP are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the statutory regulations in the field of PNBP.
Provisions for the release of imported goods are regulated separately by the Director General’s Regulation. PIB is made by Importers based on complementary customs documents and excise stamp order documents by calculating the import duty, excise, and PDRI that should be paid. In the event that the PIB management as referred to in the paragraph is not carried out alone, the Importer will authorize it to PPJK.
Terms & Conditions
Jasa Import is required to comply with the provisions on import prohibitions and/or restrictions stipulated by technical agencies. Research on the fulfillment of the prohibition and/or restriction provisions is carried out by a. Portal Indonesia National Single Window (INSW); or b. Officials who handle research on prohibited and/or restricted items. PIB is served after the prohibition and/or restriction provisions are met.
(1) Submission of PIB to the Customs Office is carried out for every import or periodically after the carrier submits the Customs Notification of the goods being transported (BC.1.1), except for the importer who is granted permission to submit a prenotification.
(2) PIB is submitted in the form of electronic data or in writing on the form.
(3) PIB in the form of electronic data is delivered through the Customs PDE system or using electronic data storage media.
(4) Submission of PIB to the Customs Office that has implemented the Customs PDE system is carried out through the Customs PDE system.
(5) PIB, customs complementary documents, and proof of payment of import duties, excise and PDRI are submitted to the Official at the Customs Office where the goods are issued.
(6) In the case of imported goods in the form of Taxable Goods (BKC) whose tax is paid by attaching excise tape, in addition to proof of payment of import duty, PPnBM, PPh, and PNBP, the excise tape order document is submitted to the Official at the Customs Office where the goods are issued.
(7) Provisions regarding the submission of PIB periodically are regulated separately by a Regulation of the Director-General.
For PIB submitted through the Customs PDE system, PIB, complementary customs documents, and proof of payment of import duty, excise, PDRI, PNBP, and order documents for excise stamps must be submitted to the office at the Customs Office where the goods are released within:
a. 3 (three) working days after the date of the Red Lane Notification Letter (SPJM) for the red lane,
b. 3 (three) working days after the date of Yellow Lane Notification Letter (SPJK) for the yellow lane,
c. 3 (three) working days after the date of SPPB for the green line, and
d. 5 (five) working days after the SPPB date for the MITA Priority line and the MITA Non Priority route.
Excluded from the submission of PIB print results and proof of payment of import duty, excise, PDRI, PNBP, and excise ribbon ordering documents for Priority MITA and Non-Priority MITA.
If the conditions are not fulfilled, the next PIB submission by the importer concerned will not be served until the provisions of the provisions are fulfilled.
Importers can make changes to PIB data errors by submitting an application to the Head of the Customs Office. Further provisions regarding amendments to PIB data errors are regulated separately by a Regulation of the Director-General.