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TOP 5 Things to Do on Twitter If You Have Internet Trust Issues

Twitter can be an excellent platform for connecting with like-minded people and sharing ideas, but it can also be a breeding ground for trolls and predators. It’s essential to be aware of the risks involved in using Twitter and to take steps to protect yourself from them. One way to do this is to limit the amount of personal information you share on the platform. Predators often target people who share too much personal information online, so you must be cautious about what you post.

Thankfully, the platform gives you options to ensure your online security–which is why you might want to check out this guide called How to Make Twitter Account Private. Nonetheless, this post will also talk about other things you should do for safety and peace of mind while using Twitter.

1. Set your account to private.

Once you set your Twitter account settings to private, your tweets can only be seen by your approved followers. This increased privacy can be very beneficial for several reasons. For one, it allows you to control who has access to your tweets. If you want to share something with the world, you can make your tweets public. But if you want to share something more personal or intimate, you can keep your account private and only share with your approved followers.

Additionally, private accounts are less likely to be targeted by spam bots and trolls. Since only approved followers can see your tweets, it’s less likely that your account will be bombarded with spam or negative comments. Finally, private accounts can help you build closer relationships with your followers. When you share things only with people who have explicitly chosen to follow you, it creates a sense of intimacy and connection. So if you’re looking for a more personal Twitter experience, setting your account private is a great option.

2. Declutter followers and ghost followers you don’t trust.

It’s no secret that social media can be a breeding ground for trolls and other unsavory characters. If you’re not careful, it’s easy to unwittingly attract followers who are more interested in causing trouble than engaging in meaningful conversation. That’s why it’s crucial to periodically “clean house” and declutter followers and ghost followers you don’t trust from your Twitter account.

Not only will this help to ensure that your feed is full of people you want to interact with, but it can also be a Portal Security measure. After all, the fewer people who have access to your account, the less likely someone will be able to use it to post false or sensitive information. So removing unwanted followers is an excellent start if you want to declutter your social media presence and protect your online security.

3. Accept follow-requests only from people that you know.

Twitter can be a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but you must be cautious about who you add to your network. If you have online trust issues, it’s best to accept follow-requests only from people you know. It will help to ensure that your tweets are only seen by people with whom you’re comfortable sharing your thoughts.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that even if someone appears friendly and trustworthy, they may not have your best interests at heart. By accepting follow requests from people you know, you can help protect yourself from potential online predators.

4. Use an unrecognizable Twitter handle or display-name

If you’re concerned about your privacy, it’s essential to be strategic about your social media use. On sites like Twitter, it’s common to use a handle or Twitter name different from your real name. It can help to create a barrier between your online and offline identity.

It can also make it more difficult for people to find and follow you, which can be an advantage if you’re trying to avoid stalkers or limit the information publicly available about you. However, choosing a handle or display name that isn’t too obscure is crucial, as this can make it difficult for people who want to connect with you to find you online. Ultimately, the best approach is to balance privacy and accessibility.

5. Set a Twitter photo that doesn’t include your face

Many people set a profile picture on Twitter that includes their face. However, there are several reasons why you might want to consider using a photo that doesn’t show your face. First of all, it can help to improve your social media hygiene. If you’re concerned about online privacy, setting a Twitter photo that doesn’t include your face can help to prevent others from being able to identify you.

Also, choosing a Twitter photo that isn’t a selfie can help make your profile seem more professional. Using a quality headshot can make a big difference if you’re trying to build a personal brand or grow your business. Finally, if you want to add some personality to your profile, choosing an exciting and eye-catching image representing who you are is a great way to do it. Whether you’re concerned about privacy, Professionalism, or personality, there are several good reasons to consider using a Twitter photo that doesn’t include your face.


So, there you have five things to do on Twitter if you have trust issues with the Internet. If you’re looking for more tech and social media advice, check out! We’ve got all the latest news and guides to help you stay safe online and make the most of your social media experience.