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What is Cloud Migration, and How Can It Benefit Your Business?

As businesses seek more secure locations to house their data, especially in the wake of the record-breaking year of cyberattacks in 2021, organizations are turning to cloud servers. As a scalable, secure, and easily-accessible online data stored facility, cloud storage is fast becoming one of the most necessary tools in business.

Yet, with using a cloud storage solution also comes cloud migration, with this process being slightly tricky for businesses that aren’t used to transferring their data. However, due to almost every business around the world having experienced some form of remote work (many continuing with this working structure going forward), it is now necessary to have online storage.

If your team is remote and can’t access the data that they need to do their jobs, then there is a huge barrier preventing your departments from reaching their goals and effectively working throughout the day. If you’re ready to move to a more accessible form of file storage, then you’ll have to undergo cloud migration.

In this article, we’ll be explaining what cloud migration is and detailing the top benefits of cloud storage for your business. Let’s get right into it.

What is Cloud Migration?

When constructing a more digitally-friendly working space, a company needs to transfer all of its data from physical store sites to the cloud. The cloud is an online platform that’s made up of computers around the globe, offering potentially unlimited storage for businesses. Cloud migration is the act of moving all the data that’s stored in physical locations that are connected to your business directly to the cloud.

This process normally takes a great deal of preparation, but is more than worth it in the long run, as cloud storage is an incredibly useful format to have your data contained in.

Are There Any Challenges to Cloud Migration?

Typically, during the migration process, there are three main issues that your business could run into. While these won’t impact every single business, some are much more likely to occur depending on the size, industry, and scope of your organization.

Problems you might face are:

Although these problems can surface under any migration plan, if you take the time to prepare adequately beforehand, your business should be completely fine during the transfer process. Preparation is key!

What Are the Benefits of Cloud Storage for My Business

Considering that even back in 2017, over half of all businesses in the United States had made the switch to a cloud storage approach, it’s no surprise that this storage system comes with a huge range of benefits.

When moving to the cloud, you can expect the following benefits:

Final Thoughts

Although some business owners worry about making the switch to cloud storage, it is one of the most effective changes that you can make to your business. Not only does this allow you to scale your organization at whatever speed you would like, but you’ll also have access to the best security systems around, keeping your data safe.

After you go through the process of cloud migration and all your data is safely on the cloud, you’re then able to easily manage your data. This one-time process will liberate your business from cumbersome local storage, helping you flourish in this digital age.