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What Is Shilajit And What Benefits Does It Have On Our Immune System?

We live in a world where the food we consume has been industrially grown to meet the demands of the consumers, this results in foods losing their natural benefits and rather gaining some adverse qualities, but since we do not have an alternative to the food we consume we are left eating what we have available. The result of this is that our bodies are not working at their optimal efficiency and often require additional support to maintain their regular activities. This is where dietary supplements come into play, they provide you with the necessary nutrients that that body needs to work perfectly.

One such dietary supplement is shilajit, it is a natural resin-like material that is made naturally from plants on the plains of the Himalayas and similar places. It is a sticky black tar-like substance that solidifies into a lava rock formation. There are multiple benefits of shilajit and today we are going to be looking at the benefits it has on our immune system. Since this is a natural product and if you are looking to buy shilajit, we suggest that you get it from a company and manufacture you trust like Pürblack.

What Is Shilajit?

As discussed before shilajit a naturally occurring resin that is found on the mountains of the Himalayas and other high peaks around the range. Shilajit is mostly found as a black rock or powder, but it starts as a highly viscous resin-like material that is extremely dark brown or black. It is only found in small quantities and is a big part of the Ayurveda medicine system.

The substance is also known as a mineral tar, but it is not the case. The chemical composition of shilajit shows us that it is a phyto-mineral exudate which is composed of around 60% to 80% of humic acids and the rest is oligo-elements and selenium. Now that we know what shilajit is, let’s discuss some of the benefits that it offers.

These are only some of the benefits of using shilajit. Let’s discuss them a little further.

Improvement in the Brain Function

It is a very common fact that your entire body is controlled by the brain and as we age our brain functions start to deteriorate, the complex compounds found in shilajit may be a contributing factor in slowing down the deteriorating process and improving brain function. There have also been claims that say that shilajit can be used to treat or slow down the effects of Alzheimer’s disease but there’s still a lot of research left to confirm those claims.

Anti-Viral Properties

One of the key benefits of oligo-elements is that they are proven to be effective against many different types of viruses and diseases, if a person is to take oral doses of shilajit regularly, the immune system of the person is going to increase which in turn will fight off any viruses and diseases.

Improves Heart and Joints

Research suggests that the people that have a regular intake of shilajit in their systems are bound to have a better and stronger heart and joints as compared to the ones that do not, this is because the compounds and elements in shilajit make and improve muscle and the immune system resulting in stronger heart and bones.

One way that it helps is by improving the iron deficiency of the blood by providing it with iron and humic acid which improves the healthy cells in the body, improving the blood flow to the body and the heart, and at the same time preventing anemia.