
What Makes Bail Bonds the Most Preferred Mode of Posting Bail?

An arrested person needs someone to post bail on his behalf to facilitate quick release from custody until the commencement of trial after a few days or week.  According to the legal procedure, the police need some time to frame the charges against the arrested person by gathering all personal information of the person, who in legal terminology is the defendant. The defendant must stay in police custody or jail custody during this time until posting bail for release. Therefore, the sooner the defendants can post Castle Bail Bonds Marietta, faster they can come out from custody pending trial. A judge decides the bail amount during arraignment, a brief court appearance when the judge hears the charges brought against the defendant and fixes the bail amount by considering several factors, including the person’s background and criminal history.

Cash or bail bond?

The court accepts the bail amount in cash and bail bonds furnished by a bail agent on behalf of the defendant. Even paying cash for bail requires the help of some other person who arranges the fund and deposits it in court.  Although paying cash for a smaller bail amount is quite feasible, it often involves a cumbersome process to prove the legality of the source of the fund. The defendant must prove that the cash used for paying the bail amount is legal by furnishing the money trail, which not only takes time but might be difficult too. Since defendants seek quick release, fulfilling the conditions attached to cash payment for bail can delay the release. Instead, posting a bail bond is a faster process and costs less.

Why is bail bond preferred?

Most defendants prefer furnishing bail bonds to secure faster release from custody because it relieves them of all hassles. They can sit back and relax soon after appointing a bail agent who handles all the complex work of posting bail and takes full responsibility for releasing the defendant at the soonest. Even if someone has enough money, opting for bail bonds is more convenient and more popular than paying cash for bail. The bail agent gathers all information about the case from the defendant as well as by accessing the police/ jail records and uses the data for furnishing the bail bond. Soon on furnishing the bond, the defendant can walk out of custody.

Bail bonds cost less

Besides being a hassle-free process for defendants, another reason for opting for bail bonds is its low cost. Normally, bail agents who work like insurance underwriters charge only 10% of the bail amount to complete the process.  Since judges use bail as a tool for deterring defendants from committing new crimes while out on bail, they set a high amount that puts a lot of pressure on the defendant.  Yet, arranging 10% for posting bail bonds is much affordable no matter how high the bail amount might be.

After release, the defendant must abide by the conditions attached to bail. Any violation can lead to forfeiture of the bail amount and the collateral furnished to the bail agent and even lead to arrest.

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