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What To Tell Your Doctor When You Check Into An Addiction Recovery Center

If you are checking into an addiction recovery center, you may need to take care of a few tasks beforehand. One of them is informing your primary care physician. It’s important that you let them know for a few reasons.

For one, they are well aware of your medical history. When you check into a facility such as Epiphany Wellness, they can communicate with an inpatient medical team working with you. If you need help, getting a diagnostic assessment done is necessary.

Let’s get started with what you need to tell your doctor when you check into an addiction recovery center.

Tell them you are dealing with an addiction

The first thing you need to do is inform your doctor that you are dealing with an addiction. Specify what kind of drug you were addicted to, how long it’s been going on, and other specific information.

This can determine how much your body has been damaged due to your addiction. At this point, you have already realized that you have acknowledged the problem. So it would be easier to inform your doctor that you are dealing with an addiction.

Inform them of any overdoses you have have experienced

If you have experienced any overdoses, you need to inform your doctor. You may have been admitted to the hospital due to one. If this is the case, your doctor may be aware of this already.

It is important for you to be honest with them when explaining if you have experienced overdoses. This can be helpful in an assessment that needs to be done in order to put together a treatment plan for you. If you have not overdosed, then there is no need to inform your doctor about this.

Discuss possible mental health disorders you may have

It is important to inform your doctor about any possible mental health disorders. Talk to them about possible signs and symptoms you may have experienced in the past. This may be the reason as to why you were addicted to substances in the first place.

Those dealing with mental health disorders have a higher chance of developing an addiction. This is why dual diagnoses occur on a regular basis. A mental health disorder will need to be diagnosed by a doctor.

Your doctor will need to provide you with an assessment. This will include a series of questions that you need to answer accurately. Accuracy matters in terms of your treatment plan.

The more accurate and precise it is, the better. Especially when the goal is to not only tackle addiction but also mental health disorders as well. Your doctor will be able to relay all of this information to the medical and therapy staff at the facility you are checking into.

Request a physical examination

This is a highly recommended approach. A physical examination can determine your current health condition. Addiction can lead to health issues in the short-term and long-term.

It is important that you consider getting one done to assess any damage that may be done to your body. This can include damage done to your vital organs including your heart, lungs, brain, and more.

This can be helpful as it will be useful information to the medical staff that will be treating you at the facility. Please consider a physical examination so the team has an updated version of your medical history. This way, it will help them prepare and plan for any medical related treatments that may be needed.

A medical treatment can occur and it may be less than effective. It can be due to damage done to the body. Plus, it may lead to serious issues if there are any underlying health issues that exist.

Talk about any medical issues you already have

Your doctor may be aware of certain medical issues you may have. It is also important to discuss any new issues that may arise. Again, this information must be accurate in order to make a treatment for addiction more effective.

Your doctor may need to know of any new health issues so they can include it in your medical records. They will also be in constant communication with the professionals at the facility. Make sure that the information is accurate so nothing false is relayed between the two medical teams.

Discuss any medications you are taking

When you are checking into an addiction facility, you are permitted to bring along any prescriptions you need. That’s why it is important to speak to your doctor about any medications you may be on. At the same time, your doctor will relay information with the facility about this.

From there, you will be informed to bring any medication to bring along. Keep in mind that some medications may not be allowed or even taken. This can be due to the potential of negative drug interactions.

You will likely be taking medications during your addiction treatment. The medication is designed to reduce any kind of withdrawal symptoms that you may experience (during detox and beyond). Please give an accurate assessment of the medications that you are taking.

Be prepared for any changes that may occur if you stop taking certain medications (on orders of your doctor or medical staff at the facility). Inform the medical team of any potential changes because you stopped taking the medication.

Final Thoughts

Your doctor will be one of your points of contact before, during, and after addiction treatment. Be sure to let them know when you are checking into an addiction recovery center. It’s important that you give them accurate information as it can help with the treatment plan itself.

The physical toll on your body can be greater than you think. It is one more reason why beating addiction is the best option. You will need to check into an addiction recovery center as soon as possible.

Give your body a chance to heal. Give yourself a chance to live a fulfilling, addiction free life.