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What you need to know when launching an ecommerce website

Creating and launching an e-commerce website can be done in about a week depending on how determined you are. However, you need to keep it in mind that the process takes time and lots of planning. In as much as it sounds easy, that doesn’t mean that your business is guaranteed to succeed. If you’re looking to set up an ecommerce website that thrives, we have put together a couple of things that you need to know before getting started.

8 things you need to know when launching an ecommerce website

Launching an online business can be stressful and a little overwhelming but if you’re off to a good start, you can rest assured that your business will be head and shoulders above your competitors.

1. Identify a high-potential product

Trying to selling everything all at once, could be a huge recipe for failure. Just stick to one product that you’re good at.

Make sure that you choose a product that has a high-profit margin, high demand, one that is easily available wherever your customers need it. Most importantly, you should make sure that the product is something that interests you. It’ll be a lot easier for you to make sales if you’re more enthusiastic.

Also, don’t be afraid of testing the product before the launch.

2. A good brand name

Make sure that name you come up with is catchy, memorable, and appealing. The name is what people will always associate with your business so you should also make sure that it’s professional.

You should also check to see that the name that you intend to use is available in the form of a domain name.

3. Narrow down on manufacturers/suppliers

Find a manufacturer who can keep up with the demand because if they can your business is as good as dead. Communication is a very important factor to put into consideration.

4. Develop the website

To develop the website, you’ll need to have the logo ready and the layout sketched out. If you don’t have the technical know-how, work with a designer to help you through this step.

Once the website is done you need to double-check that everything is running smoothly before the public sees it.

5. Have site monitoring in place

Figure out a way to track the traffic to your website as well as the conversion rate. This will help you to see how your site is doing once it’s up and running. Google Analytics can be a very useful tool for this.

6. Set up social media accounts

An online presence is important in making your engagement with your potential customers very solid. Most of your new customers will find out about your business online so you should make sure that you establish compelling profiles.

7. Analyze your shipping options

Shipping can make or break your online business. If you’re a drop-shipping business handling  Direct store delivery orders you don’t have to worry about order fulfillment in-house. If your shipping costs are too high, many customers will opt to shop on other websites that are cheaper or those that offer flat shipping rates.

8. Plan the announcement and launch the website

Now it’s time to let your potential customers know about your ecommerce website and what you’ll be selling. Do your best to reach as many people as possible. Post frequently before the launch and if possible, offer discounts to buyers who shop on the D-day.

Don’t give up quickly if the business isn’t doing as well as you expected during the first few weeks.


A lot of work and planning goes into setting up and launching an online store. If you’re well prepared before the launch you can expect your business to do extremely well. On the other hand, if you don’t plan before launching this could negatively affect your business