
Why are Flaky Tests a Nightmare


The consumer market now has higher expectations for devices, a step ahead of the previous model, thanks to recent breakthroughs and development. Not just the code writers, testers, and deployers deserve praise for their achievement in this sector; stakeholders and investors also deserve it. They offer the funding required for the requested exposure. As a result, in addition to meeting customer needs, the investor’s vision and profitability should also be considered. So, at this stage, automated testing is required.

What Is Meant By Flaky Tests?

The mindset they instill in developers is a severe issue with flaky testing. A test is considered flaky if it consistently fails to yield the same outcome after performing the same analysis. The build will occasionally fail: Once it succeeds, twice it will fail, and then once more, it will grow with no modifications. Furthermore, fixing flaky tests is costly and sometimes takes hours or even days. End-to-end tests are more likely to be unstable, but there have been inconsistent tests, functional tests, unit tests, and everything in between.

Top Reason Why Your Tests Get Flaky And Probable Solutions-

1. Sharing test environments:

 Using a specified and standardized environment to execute your tests, you may guarantee that the findings are reliable and reproducible. However, one might need help registering when their safe place becomes their vice.

Solution: Maintain isolation between test environments. So that they can be executed independently or in random order, the crucial step is to do a clean installation restoration in between testing. Create dummy data solely for the test itself, and only test the workflow you want to test. The exam performance will be enhanced by using this shortcut, another benefit.

2. Inadequate framework:

 The test failed because it needed to be given the proper foundation. It’s better to think about starting the procedure first. What is required, how should it be done correctly, and how long would test automation take?

Solution: Mobile app test automation by HeadSpin offers a workable answer to this issue. HeadSpin remotely tests and debugs apps on hundreds of devices worldwide. It is well-known among businesses worldwide, like WIPRO and ITC INFOTECH, to mention a couple. Anywhere in the world, you can test automation. With the help of its exclusive gear, HeadSpin makes it possible for you to scale up your remote testing operations right away and safely. Developers may safely connect to their remote devices and examine non-noise interfered data through our specialized RF compliance gear and bespoke USB hub. We can expand the reach of our devices beyond the 150 nations on request.

3. Heavy coding testing:

Automating your tests has numerous advantages, but those advantages could be diminished if you employ hardcoded ones. Hardcoded data is deliberately inserted into the code as part of the automated test. You can almost always count on hearing this from test automation engineers.

Solution: The only solution is to accept it and skip it. We can make a few more minor adjustments to strengthen our test structure. The first is easy: Initially, run smaller tests. As previously said, more things might go wrong in tests the more you do. Make tests as straightforward as possible, and avoid using much logic in each one. Or one can try their hands at retrying the tests. It was generally accepted to repeat testing until they were successful. Although this approach does not necessitate debugging, it is lazy. In addition to masking the problem’s symptoms, it will also cause your test suite to run more slowly, rendering the remedy useless. There could be a few outliers, however. Since this involves much time, HeadSpin’s automated testing tool saves the day.

4. Automated testing is not possible everywhere:

You can’t just automate everything and expect it to function as intended. Mobile app test automation must be handled carefully and consistently since, if not done correctly, it may rapidly become flaky and unreliable. Some situations demand traditional testing techniques.

5. Fixed Waiting times:

Only utilize set waiting times, at least not with a powerful cause. This idea is crucial for all tests, but UI testing in particular. If you do it, think about the possible results. In the best-case scenario, you will select waiting durations that are too long, causing the test suite to run more slowly than it should. In the worst situation, you will need more time to prevent the test from running since the application still needs to be ready, leading to a flaky test failure. This is the most typical reason why tests are faulty.

Use dynamic waiting times instead. There are other methods to achieve this.

6. Independent tests:

 Making sure that your tests are interdependent is one method to get an excellent outcome. So, if one test fails, all of them will, and you will know where to focus your investigation. However, if your tests rely on one another, your automation risks becoming unstable.

Major Red Flags

Of course, it is ideal to avoid flaky testing altogether. Following is a summary of several warning signs:

  • There is much reasoning in the lengthy test.
  • The test covers lots of code (for example, in UI tests).
  • Fixed waiting periods are used during the test.
  • The test is dependent upon earlier tests.
  • The test claims information that could be more predictable, such as when IDs, timings, or demo data, mainly randomly generated ones, are used.

You can stop shaky exams in their tracks if you remember the advice and techniques in this article. And if they happen, you’ll be prepared to troubleshoot and fix problems.

Bonus tip- Appium automation testing. If your team already has Appium tests, you can connect them with the HeadSpin Platform and execute them on any accessible device. The functional portions of the test on the HeadSpin Platform are powered by Appium, while the non-functional parts are made possible by HeadSpin data and insights. The most recent iteration of the platform enables direct UI debugging and development of Appium scripts without the need for an app or desktop client.


A significant productivity killer in your software development process is test flakiness. There are legitimate and invalid justifications for why something exists in automated testing. You can provide reliable, accurate test results by resolving these problems. It enables you to confidently offer high-quality software that satisfies the demands of your clients.

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