Science / Health

Why You Should Never Leave Your Dog Alone At Home

Dogs are essentially one of the most incredible creatures on earth. Largely because they make the most loyal pets. And obviously, they are just unbelievably understanding! Besides, do we really need to mention how a cuddle session with them is nothing less than an unpaid privilege?

Long story short, it won’t be an overstatement if we say that these adorable four-legged babies contribute a lot into making this world a better place. No wonder why, they are reigning this so-called ‘pet universe’!

Yet, we as owners often fail to reciprocate our dog’s love for us. How? Well, if you think that the only thing your dog despises is bath time, you’re mistaken.

It was found in a survey that around 80% of dog owners feel guilty about leaving their dog alone at home because they know their dog just hates it! And for the rest 20% who feel absolutely fine about doing this, here are some reasons to make you realize why you must not leave your dog alone at home:

1. It gives them Separation Anxiety

Mental soundness is important – irrespective of the fact whether it is a human or a dog in question. If you did not know already, your dog faces a real tough time dealing with his thoughts when you leave him alone at home for prolonged hours. So much so that it is enough to trigger a separation anxiety which is very apparent in their body language.

In fact, studies have found that if dogs are kept without their owners for a very long time, they even slip into depression! Hence, be careful. Especially if you own a Labrador Retriever or a German Shepherd, you must be exclusively cautious about this issue.

2. Risk of Accidents is always Present

If you are a dog owner who is planning a vacation anytime soon – beware! As an owner, it is essential for you to be aware of the many risks of mishaps associated when you decide to leave your dog alone at home without a proper sitter.

What if he eats something wrong? What if he gets stuck somewhere? What if he gets himself suffocated? There’s just no end to this horrid imagination, which you obviously would not want to turn into reality. Hence, we suggest, you must hire a house-sitting Australia to look after your dog so that you can take that flight without any worry.

3. They tend to Misbehave More

If you have witnessed any such incident where you left your dog at home in peace but came back to see your home in pieces – do not blame your dog, it’s all your fault; here’s why. When you leave your puppy unaccompanied, the anxiety triggers and compels him to misbehave.

Then again, what makes you think that your dog absolutely does not get bored and frustrated when he is alone? That’s exactly when the dog resorts to chewing furniture and destroying your lavish house.

The thing is, dogs are social animals, and when the conditions are otherwise, there’s just no way one can expect them to be at their best behavior!

4. They Become less Social

Dogs are some of the most amazing animals. Whether it is kids or adults, everyone loves giving hugs and cuddles to dogs. That’s because they are surreally social! They mix up with people very easily and can win hearts in a moment.

But when you start leaving your dog alone at home, more and often, he eventually begins to lose this ‘social spark’ and tends to become less and less social over the days. This is again one of the most crucial reasons why you must think twice before you leave your dog alone at home.

5. Finally, you will Regret this Someday

Last, but the most solid reason why leaving your dog at home may not be the best idea. A day is going to come when your dog will not be with you anymore.

At the final moments, when you take a look down the memory lane, it’s not the chewed furniture or torn-up shoes that will hurt you the most – it’ll be the moments you missed spending with them. So please, do not leave your furry babies alone. They are not here to stay always.

Over to you…

Having a dog is an amazing feeling for you, but being left alone is not the best feeling for them. Here, we cited 5 reasons why you shouldn’t leave your dog alone at home. Read this guide and know what’s best for your dog.

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